Himalaya Salt
HomeHimalaya Salt

Himalaya Salt

Salt Lumps and Edible Salt

Himalayan salt, also known as pink salt or rock salt, is a type of salt that is mined from the Khewra Salt Mine in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in Pakistan. It is considered to be one of the purest forms of salt, containing a wide range of minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for human health.

Himalayan salt gets its characteristic pink color from the presence of iron oxide, which is a natural mineral found in the salt deposits. It also contains small amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals, giving it a unique flavor and texture.

Himalayan salt is a unique and versatile raw material that has a wide range of culinary and non-culinary applications. Its distinctive flavor, texture, and mineral content make it a popular choice among chefs, food enthusiasts, and wellness practitioners alike.

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Moriox Resources LLC